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The 4 A's of Manifesting

Our 4 step process to manifest big, beautiful change in your life. 

Step 1: ASK
It may seem obvious, but when was the last time you just asked for what you wanted, plain and simple? 
Step one of manifesting is to place your intention out in the Universe by asking for it. Journal about it, tell a friend, create a vision board - whatever medium aligns for you. Get specific & ask. 
Step 2: ALIGN

Align yourself with the new you. This is personally my favourite part! 

Spend time imagining the change that you're manifesting exactly as you would like it to appear in your life. 

For example, if it's a new career path you're attracting, imagine exactly how you would start your day in this new job. How you'd get to work, what you'd wear, who and how you'd interact with people. Visualise your dream day and how you would feel in it. Go into as much detail as you can and get excited!


Take inspired action to cultivate what it is that you desire. The thing you want won't just magically appear! It's time to take some action to set the wheels of your new life in motion. Sticking with the job analogy, go one step further to bring this new career path to life. Apply to your dream job, read books from people who are in your field, follow people on instagram who do what you want to do. Maybe you could reroute your current way to work so that you drive past your dream office often and visualise yourself there. Take some inspired action to cultivate big change. 


Now is the time to let destiny take over and do its thing. Let things unfold now as they should. Keep repeating steps 1-3, but let go of time frames and let what is meant for you to find you. Remember the Universe will always sending you what is meant for you, so if your manifestation shows up differently to how you saw it, it's for your highest good. 


This manifestation tutorial was inspired by the Manifestation card in our Daily Rituals Deck